Advertising Rates

In a world where antiques and vintage treasures have become the latest craze, it’s crucial to get your advertising game on point! But listen up, folks! It’s not just about reaching them; it’s about reaching the RIGHT ones. Our publication specializes in the antique and vintage market, catering to the right clientele who are in search of their next great find. So, gear up with the right approach and let your antique and vintage biz thrive like never before!

Our publication is located in the antique and vintage businesses for the right cliental to pick up and find their next stop.
Contact us to find out how easy it is to get your advertising started.

What we do

Antiques & Vintage Newspaper

If you are interested in advertising in our antiques and vintage publication, the New Century Collector, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our large newspaper format gives you a lot of ad and visibility for the money. The New Century Collector offers ads for shops, shows, markets, estate sales, auctions, and classifieds with undisputed value in print advertising.

We are always looking for new advertisers in the antique and vintage eras. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service and support to our clients, ensuring that their ads are seen by a large and engaged audience.

Antique enthusiasts and collectors alike will find our publication to be an invaluable resource for staying up-to-date on store locations and the latest events, sales, and auctions in the industry. We provide our readers with current avenues for finding collectable items, as well as informative articles on timeless treasures.

So why wait? You can reach us by phone, email, or through our website to learn more about our advertising options and rates. Thank you for considering the New Century Collector for your antique and vintage advertising needs.

Broad & Affordable Advertising

Our publication is a great way to reach your target audience and increase your sales. Our distribution network includes local shops in Utah and at times Idaho, ensuring that your message reaches a wide range of potential customers. We also offer affordable monthly advertising options, making it easy for businesses of all sizes to take advantage of our advertising services.

Our digital edition is another great way to reach even more customers. Our online presence also means that your business will have the potential to reach an even wider audience, including those who may not have access to our printed publication. With the ability to access our content from anywhere in the world, you can expand your reach and increase your brand awareness. Whether you’re looking to promote your product or service, or simply want to increase your visibility in the antique and vintage market, the New Century Collector is the perfect choice.

So, if you’re looking for a cost-effective way to advertise your business, contact us today. We would be happy to discuss our advertising options and rates with you, and help you create custom advertising that meets your specific needs. Thank you for considering the New Century Collector for your antique and vintage advertising.

Map Listings


With a monthly ad your business will also get a map listing placed in our publication. Having a map listing can be a great way to attract new customers to your business. Not only will locals be able to find your store more easily, but out-of-town travelers who are looking for unique shopping experiences will also be able to discover your business.

By advertising with us, you’re not only increasing your visibility, but you’re also providing a valuable resource for our readers who are looking for the best places to shop in the area. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to put your dot on the map and attract new customers to your business!

Event Calendar

When you are one of our advertisers our calendar of events is a great way to promote your store anniversaries, sales, classes, and events. With monthly updates, you can attract potential customers by showcasing your events and promotions. Our readers are always looking for new ways to learn new skills or try new activities, so advertising your classes can be an excellent way to gain exposure and attract clients.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to promote your business and connect with your community – advertise with us today!