
Our classified ads section is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to buy or sell vintage and antique items. Whether you’re a collector or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of these timeless pieces, you’ll find options to choose from. Some advertisers are in antique and vintage malls, so you can be sure that they’re knowledgeable and passionate. In addition, we have personal advertisers who are looking to buy or sell specific items, so you might just find the perfect piece that you’ve been searching for or have what others want. So why wait? Start exploring our classified ads today.

Rare Necessities

You can find our amazing items in the north building of
Treasures Antique Mall in Springville, Ut

Poster Boss

Contact: Dwight Cleveland
if you have movie posters to sell
[email protected]

Buying Baseball & Sports Memorabilia

Contact: Alan Willey
Phone number:

Like what you see? Get in touch.